Green Gram: Variety: N26 or KVR 26 (KAT/MB26 Katumani mung Bean 26) (Beans)
Climatic requirements, seed rate, maturity and potential yield
- Has a determinate growth habit
- Flowers are auxiliary on short penduncles and purple in colour
- Pods are black and contain shiny green grains
- 85% of the grains are shiny green and bold
- Flowers in 40-45 days
- Matures in 60-65 days
- Potential yields range from 300-1500kg/ha or 520-600 kg/acre
Where grown/Recommended zones
N26 is suited to well- drained sandy loams and because of its earliness it has proved more successful in the drier areas of lower Machakos, Kitui, Mwingi, Tharaka, Mbeere and Makueni districts. At elevations of more than 1800m above sea level, it has very poor pod set.
Land preparation
The ļ¬eld should be well prepared without big soil clods and have a ļ¬ne ļ¬lth. Hoe, oxen and tractorĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā can be used for ploughing.
Time of planting: Early planting is recommended but not before 30mm of rainfall is received.Ā Ā Ā Spatial planting is also recommended.
Method of planting: When using oxen plough for planting, place the seed at the side of the furrow.
SeedĀ Ā Ā rate: 10-15kg/ha (4-6kg/acre) Number of plants per hill: At least 2
Depth of planting: The depth should be kept at 4-5cm.
Sole cropping spacing: The distance between rows should be 45cm and between plantsĀ Ā Ā 15cm
The ļ¬rst weeding should be done 2 weeks after emergence and the second weeding before ļ¬owering.
Mung beans do not respond well to nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer application. In most cases it isĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā notĀ necessaryĀ toĀ applyĀ them.Ā However,Ā whereĀ theĀ soilsĀ areĀ highlyĀ erodedĀ andĀ veryĀ deļ¬cientĀ in these nutrients, a basal dose of 10-15kg/ha of nitrogen and 20-25kg/ha of single or triple superĀ Ā phosphate fertilizers may be Ā broadcasted.
Crop Protection
Insect pests of economic importance include thrips, aphids, and pod sucking bugs, apion beetle and bruchids.
Chemical Control
Insect pests
i). Thrips – Thiodan, sherpa plus, duduthrin ii). Aphids – Thiodan, sherpa plus, Karate
iii). Pod sucking bugs – Dimethoate sherpa plus iv). Apion beetle – Thiodan and Karate
v). Bruchids – Super Actellic
Apply at manufacturesā recommended rates.
Diseases include powdery mildew and yellow mosaic virus. Powdery mildew is prevalent during the long rains whereas yellow mosaic occurs in both seasons. Use Benomyl and Copper oxychloride toĀ control the diseases.
Time of harvesting – Harvest when 95% of the pods have turned black. When pods do not mature at the same time uproot the entire plant and dry in the sun before threshing.
The mung beans should be dried well before storage because grains that are not well dried are prone to weevil attack. It is recommended to store the dry grain in covered tins, drums, pots, sealed containers or bags. When stored in bags, the grain should be protected from weevils. Add ash or neem leaves to the dried grain, or mix with actellic at 50g per 90 kg bag.