Cabbage Farming Profit Per Acre

Introduction to Cabbage farming in Kenya
Cabbage farming is an important and lucrative agricultural activity in Kenya, providing a source of income for many farmers across the country. The popularity of cabbage farming can be attributed to its cost-effectiveness and long shelf-life, making it a preferred vegetable in many households. This vegetable along with Sukuma wiki, are the best vegetables to eat during tough times. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of cabbage farming in Kenya, from planting to harvesting, and explore the potential for profitability in this sector.
Cabbage farming in Kenya and its growing process
Cabbage belongs to the Brassica Oleraceae family, which includes other vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and kale. These vegetables are usually grown from seeds, which are easily accessible in agrovets all over Kenya. Cabbage is a temperate crop that grows best in cool climates, where there is a significant difference between day and night temperatures. This temperature difference is crucial for the formation of the cabbage head, which is made up of short, thick stalk-bearing leaves that form a tight ball or head shape.
Cabbage farming growing conditions and nutrition
Cabbages have high water requirements, and they need a consistent supply of moisture to grow and develop properly. They thrive in areas with at least 500 millimeters of rainfall per year, and they may require additional irrigation during dry periods.
In addition to being cost-effective, cabbages are also a nutritious vegetable. They contain essential nutrients such as calcium, iron, and vitamins, which are important for maintaining good health. However, they are relatively low in protein compared to other vegetables.
Cabbages can be eaten in a variety of ways. They are commonly boiled, steamed, or stir-fried and served as a side dish or used as an ingredient in soups and stews. They are also used raw in salads, where they add a crunchy texture and a slightly bitter flavor. Overall, cabbages are a versatile and healthy vegetable that can be enjoyed in many different ways.
Planting and harvesting
To grow cabbages successfully, farmers should start by planting the seedlings in a nursery and transplanting them when they are about 10 to 12 cm high and around four to six weeks old. The cabbage heads are ready for harvest when they become firm to the touch, which is usually about four months after transplanting, depending on the variety chosen. Cabbages are best stored in a cool, shaded area, and they can weigh up to 4 kg each. On average, the yield/population per acre is between 11,000 and 15,000 heads.
Profitability and pricing of Cabbage farming in Kenya
- Cabbage farming can be profitable in Kenya, with a potential net profit of Ksh 210,863 per acre, according to the DLTP television program.
- However, this profit is calculated after deducting expenses such as farm equipment, chemicals, seeds, and labor.
- It is important to note that the cost of an irrigation system is not included in these expenses.
- The price of cabbages can vary depending on the season, with an oversupply often seen late in the rainy season.
- Farmers with drip irrigation systems can plan their planting times to ensure that they have cabbages available for sale during the dry season when prices are highest.
Factors to consider before starting Cabbage farming in Kenya
Starting a successful cabbage farming business requires careful planning and consideration of various factors. Here are some points that elaborate on the factors that one should consider before starting cabbage farming:
- Soil health: Cabbage plants require well-draining soils that are rich in organic matter and nutrients. Testing soil pH and fertility levels is essential to determine if any amendments are necessary.
- Fertilizers: The type and quantity of fertilizer needed for cabbage farming depend on the soil fertility levels and the cabbage variety being grown. One should consult with agronomists or agricultural extension officers for the right recommendations.
- Crop variety: There are several varieties of cabbage available in Kenya, and choosing the right one can make a significant difference in crop yield and profitability.
- Manure: Organic manure such as farmyard manure and compost can improve soil fertility and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers. Before applying manure, it should be well-composted to prevent the introduction of weed seeds and pathogens.
- Transportation to the market: Having an efficient transportation system to get the cabbages from the farm to the market is crucial. One should consider the cost and availability of transportation before starting the farming business.
- Irrigation needs: Cabbages require adequate water for growth and yield. In areas with erratic rainfall patterns, it is essential to have a reliable irrigation system in place.
- Planting timing: The time of planting will affect the growth and yield of cabbage crops. Farmers should plan their planting time to coincide with the rainy season or use irrigation during dry seasons.
- Target market: One should identify potential markets before starting cabbage farming. Some of the target markets include local markets, boarding schools, hospitals, government institutions, NGOs, export markets, and urban areas.
Overall, cabbage farming can be a profitable venture for farmers in Kenya. With the right conditions, farming techniques, and marketing strategies, cabbage farming can provide a sustainable source of income.
If you are a cabbage farmer, please share your experiences in the comments section below.
which is the best type of cabbage to plant that gives good yields?
Try Gloria F1 from Sygenta
How much does it usually cost per sachet
Sure…Gloria F1 is perfect. Tried it and didnt get dissapointed
Its also very good when it comes to transportation.
plz advice want to plant Gloria F1 2.2 of an acre how many grammes should I buy
How can one get market for this gloria f1 cabbage
Thanks for sharing
You are welcome
Very educative infact i am inspired to do abit of it for a start. how many grams of Gloria F1 do i need for one acre piece of land?
Hello. Advice on Red cabbage farming. Where one can get ready seedlings and the possible market
Kindly contact Plantech Naivasha on 0715171979 or 0798881167
Thank you very much.
I will be contacting them, though I already changed my mind on what to plant.
Thanx so much
Hi. Please try checking with Amiran Kenya
thanks for advice
Am in Nebbi District West nile growing cabbages in less and acres and intend to do on large scale how can I be helped to buy in stalment (irrigation system)
Can we keep in touch# Graduate farmer.
Reach me at 0725735864
Hey Tercisius. Sureš You can also reach out to us on call/Whatsapp 0798857668
am intrested in starting my own business but abit of challenges
It’s really very interting pieces of advice and knowledge’s in your website, l wish you all the best!
How many gram required in 1ha?
How many grams of Gloria f1 is need in 1kg?