Avocado farmers from the regions of Muranga, Nyeri, Kiambu, Kisii and Meru are set to benefit the acquisition of majority stake of Mt. Kenya Avocado farms; The leading producer and exporter of Kenya avocado fruits and avocado oils by Selina Wamucii LTD, a Kenyan fresh produce company based in Kenya.
The acquisition seeks to make solid an already useful avocado brand that has seen Mt. Kenya Fresh Avocados play a winning role in positioning Kenya as the world’s preferred source of high quality hass and fuerte avocados as stated by both companies.
Mt. Kenya Fresh Avocados, through Mt. Kenya Avocado Farms, employs and works with hundredsof dedicated small-holder individual farmers, groups and networks, to hand-grow and selectively hand-pick naturally-grown avocados.
Mt Kenya Avocado Farms produces avocados all year round and offers custom labeling and packaging with flexible shipping options to customers worldwide.
The HAACP Quality Assurance-certified firm’s expertise abounds as one of the original growers established in Kenya, with roots dating back to the original commission to evaluate avocados for adaptability to the local climate. The company focusses exclusively on Kenya avocados, especially the hass and fuerte varieties which it exports yearly to leading global markets. Under the terms of the acquisition, Selina Wamucii will immediately gain a controlling interest in Mt. Kenya Fresh Avocados. Overall management responsibilities from marketing to finance will be undertaken by Selina Wamucii. Mt. Kenya Fresh Avocados, the brand only as relates to marketing collaterals including soft assets, will permanently remain as it is for both present and future marketing activities. Meanwhile the binding terms of complete acquisition have progressed through to the final stages.
This comes at a time when Kenya is strongly establishing itself as a major exporter of avocados, with farmers across the country moving to increase the acreage for avocado trees as more get on-board. Avocados from Kenya are traditionally exported to countries in the Middle East and Europe.
The recent past though has witnessed a sharp increase in the number of countries and regions that are interested in Kenyan avocados, including Russia whose demand for Kenyan avocados has seen huge volumes of avocado shipments from Kenya to Russia. Other countries that are importing avocados from Kenya include Hong Kong, Singapore, Iran, Libya, and Egypt just to mention a few. The overall global interest is on an impressive trajectory.
Selina Wamucii is strategically positioned to grow the avocado client network for Kenyan avocados, by leveraging on its long established fresh produce networks across global markets. The acquisition is proceeding under the guidance of Savannah Business Consultants, the appointed mergers and acquisition advisors. Full acquisition is scheduled to be concluded within the next three months. With a dedication to sustainability as well as ethical and environmental responsibility, Selina Wamucii prides itself on being a major exporter of fresh fruits, herbs & spices, vegetables and flowers to the world through its trusted brands including Kenya Fresh Beans, Kenya Fresh Peas, Kenya Mangos and Selina Flowers among others. The company is devoted to ensuring it operates in a socially-responsible manner, conducting its activities with minimal environmental impact and providing excellent working conditions for its employees. Selina Wamucci is accredited by multiple boards, authorities and key agricultural initiatives including The Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority (AFFA), Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS), and GlobalGAP.
For more information kindly contact,
Susan Mwangi,
Selina Wamucii Ltd
Telelephone: 020 805 6102
Email Address: info@selinawamucii.com
Website: www.selinawamucii.com
Empowering Ambitions, Cultivating Success: Graduate Farmer is dedicated to inspiring and equipping young men and women with practical solutions to kickstart and thrive in profitable agribusiness ventures across Kenya.
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Empowering Ambitions, Cultivating Success: Graduate Farmer is dedicated to inspiring and equipping young men and women with practical solutions to kickstart and thrive in profitable agribusiness ventures across Kenya.