Tag - onion farming in kenya

Onion Farming Profit Per Acre

Many things have been said about how onion farming can make you rich in Kenya. How much of these claim are true? The onion also known as the bulb onion or common onion, is a vegetable that is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Allium. It is a close relative of the...

3 Profitable Agribusiness Ideas for 2017

With less than 2 weeks to new year we need to look at new agribusiness investment ideas for 2017. With many agribusiness ideas in Kenya out there its very hard to determine which one is the best for you and can generate good returns for...

7 Profitable Crops to Grow in 2016

December holidays are always fun. You get to spend time with your family, go on vacations to luxurious resorts and experience new things that leave pleasant memories in our minds. All these activities are important because they bring us together and help us bond with family...

Qualities of a Successful Farmer

Agriculture in Kenya or rather agribusiness is the new business in town and everyone wants a piece of the cake. You have all seen and heard the numerous success stories of farmers on the newspapers and TV. They make farming look easy and everything they...

10 Profitable Agribusiness Ideas in Kenya 2015

Dairy Farming

Milk is always a requirement in many Kenyan kitchens especially in making tea. Most Kenyan families cannot drink tea if it does not contain milk. This shows you how important milk is in Kenya. The current price of milk goes for Ksh. 35...

Earn Ksh 350, 000 from one acre of Onions in 3-4 months


When you want to cook Managu what do you use? Onions. When you want to cook meat, what do you use? Onions! Nearly every meal of the average Kenyan has to have onions as part of the ingredients. This tells you something about the...