Habex Avocado Growing Initiative

Habex Agro, an agricultural company based in Eldoret, Kenya with the specialty in avocado and macadamia farming has rolled out a program to ensure farmer in six counties in Rift Valley namely Uasin Gishu, Elgeyo Marakwet, Nandi, Kericho, Tranzoia, and Baringo take advantage of the lucrative avocado industry by contracting them to plant avocados.

The company is issuing farmers with avocado seedlings on credit together with advice and extension services till the crops are ready for harvest and production.

The company, however, needs farmers to meet certain requirements to qualify for the program:

  • Have a reliable source of water
  • Have deep-well drained soils
  • Do soil testing
  • Register with a thousand shilling
  • Have a minimum of half an acre

If you would like to take part in this initiative, please fill in your details in the Registration Form below and the project representative will contact you soon.
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