In the fertile plains of Kenya, where agriculture thrives and sustains livelihoods, Graduate Farmer Limited presents a cutting-edge solution that revolutionizes the way farmers irrigate their crops. The Graduate Farmer Drip Irrigation Kit is a high-efficiency drip irrigation system that is designed to be easy to use and affordable. This kit is suitable for farms of all sizes, and it can help farmers save water, increase yields, and reduce labor costs.

Efficiency and Versatility

The Graduate Farmer Drip Irrigation Kit is a versatile system that can be used to irrigate a wide variety of crops. The kit includes a water filter to remove debris and sediments from the water source, a piping system to deliver water to the crops, and control valves to regulate water flow. The kit also includes drip lines with various spacing options, which allows farmers to tailor water distribution to the needs of their crops.

Uniform Growth

The Graduate Farmer Drip Irrigation Kit helps to ensure uniform growth of crops by delivering water and nutrients directly to the plant roots. This results in consistent growth and higher-quality yields. The uniform growth of crops also makes them more marketable, which can help farmers increase their profits.

Effortless Farming

The Graduate Farmer Drip Irrigation Kit is a labor-saving system that can help farmers reduce the amount of time they spend watering their crops. Once the system is installed, it can be operated automatically, which frees up farmers to focus on other tasks. The labor-saving benefits of the Graduate Farmer Drip Irrigation Kit can help farmers save money and improve their productivity.

Tailored to Every Farm

The Graduate Farmer Drip Irrigation Kit is adaptable to a variety of farm layouts. Whether your farm has a natural slope or requires a pump-driven system for water distribution, the Graduate Farmer Drip Irrigation Kit can be customized to meet your specific needs. This flexibility makes the Graduate Farmer Drip Irrigation Kit a suitable solution for farms of all sizes.

What's Included in the Graduate Farmer Drip Irrigation Kit?

The Graduate Farmer Drip Irrigation Kit includes the following components:

  • Water filter
  • Piping system
  • Control valves
  • Drip lines with various spacing options
  • Fittings and accessories

Installation Process

The installation of the Graduate Farmer Drip Irrigation Kit is a systematic and carefully planned process. Our team of experts will conduct an on-site assessment to gather data and design a customized irrigation system for your farm. From configuring drip lines per bed to installing control valves, every step is meticulously executed to ensure optimal performance and water management on your farm.

Drip Irrigation Kit Prices in Kenya

Graduate Farmer Limited offers competitive prices for their drip irrigation kits, catering to farms of all sizes. With a range of options, farmers can choose a package that suits their requirements and budget. Additionally, the company provides expert installation services to guarantee a seamless implementation.


Graduate Farmer Limited is proud to support the agricultural community in Kenya by providing innovative and sustainable irrigation solutions. The Graduate Farmer Drip Irrigation Kit is a groundbreaking step towards water-efficient, high-yield farming. With its user-friendly design, versatility, and labor-saving benefits, this kit serves as a catalyst for the prosperity of Kenyan farmers, ushering in a new era of efficient and sustainable agriculture.

Experience the transformative power of the Graduate Farmer Drip Irrigation Kit and embark on a journey towards greater productivity, profitability, and ecological stewardship in your farming endeavors.

Comments (2)

  • Peter Gichana August 8, 2023 Reply

    I want a 1/4 acre three lines per bed kit

    • Graduate Farmer September 4, 2023 Reply

      Hello Peter. Whatsapp me on 079857668 for best irrigation deals.

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