How To Farm

Coriander Farming Profit per Acre

Coriander or Dania is an annual herb belonging to the family Apiaceae. Dhania is a key ingredient in many foods that’s why many Kenyan homes always have this tasty herb in their kitchens.

Coriander is loved by many not just because of its lovely aroma and amazing taste but because it helps in the following:

  • Skin related disorders.
  • Reducing coughs.
  • Reducing blood sugar.
  • Controlling blood pressure.
  • Reduces Diarrhoea.
  • Controls cholesterol levels in the blood.

Climatic Conditions and Soil Requirements

Coriander grows well in dry and cool weather. It does not tolerate any frost. Coriander performs well at a temperature range of 20 and 30 degrees Celsius.

Coriander grows peforms in well drained loamy soils. The optimum soil PH ranges between 6 to 8.

How to Plant

The seed rate for growing coriander is 5 kg per acre. Soak the seeds in water for 12 hours for better germination.

Prepare the farm and make beds that are very fine. Make furrows 30 cm apart for leaves production and 50 cm apart fr seed production.

Germination doesn’t take long and you will be able to see crops sprouting 9-10 days after sowing. Sometimes the seeds can take 2 weeks to germinate so don’t panic.

The first irrigation should be given immediately after sowing and the second on the third day and subsequent irrigations at a 6 to 10 days interval.

Also Read  Benefits of a drip irrigation system


The coriander leaves are ready for harvest 30 to 35 days after sowing.

According to Donā€™t Lose the Plot (DLTP) a television program produced byĀ The Mediae CompanyĀ whose other productions includeĀ Shamba Shape UpĀ ,Coriander produces around 2,000 Kgs on 1 acre. The cost of 1 Kg is Ksh 60.

Production costs is Ksh 55,000. Therefore 60 x 2000 = Ksh 120,000 (Gross Profit).

120,000 – 55,000 = Ksh 65,000 (Net Profit)

Please note that this calculation can be affected by many factors ranging from agronomy practices, management and poor market prices.

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  • silver patron

    Empowering Ambitions, Cultivating Success: Graduate Farmer is dedicated to inspiring and equipping young men and women with practical solutions to kickstart and thrive in profitable agribusiness ventures across Kenya.

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Graduate Farmer

Empowering Ambitions, Cultivating Success: Graduate Farmer is dedicated to inspiring and equipping young men and women with practical solutions to kickstart and thrive in profitable agribusiness ventures across Kenya.

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  1. Jambo
    Plz link me to any serious partner in agribusiness
    There is plenty of land ideal for commercial farming along the river tana
    My contact- 0724582740

  2. I would like to try some white onions, where can I find the seeds and what are the steps and conditions necessary for farming these onioms

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