How To Farm

How to attract bees to your new hive

How do we attract bees to beehives? This is an interesting question. Beekeeping is a highly rewarding business that offers a fantastic opportunity for individuals looking to enter the world of farming without significant financial investments. Not only is it a safe business with minimal risks, but it also plays a vital role in supporting pollination and preserving bee populations. However, starting a successful beekeeping business requires acquiring essential skills, particularly the ability to attract bees to your new beehive.

Step 1: Obtaining Beeswax and Preparing the Beehive to attract bees

To kickstart your beekeeping journey, the first step is to procure beeswax, which can be obtained from hive suppliers or other experienced beekeepers. Beeswax has proven to be a reliable method for attracting bees in many regions of Kenya. Once you have acquired the beeswax, place it inside your beehive frames and position the beehive in a cool and shaded area. It is recommended to carry out this process during the swarming season, typically between December and March. With the right conditions in place, you can expect to see bees inside your hive within a month, or even sooner if you provide them with the necessary resources such as a good water supply and flowers (consider planting sunflowers).

Understanding the Bee Scouts’ Role in Finding New Homes

When bees feel the need to relocate from their current home, they dispatch scouts to search for suitable new locations. These scouts venture out into the world and, upon discovering a promising site, return to the hive to communicate their findings to the rest of the colony. Certain criteria influence the bees’ decision when selecting a new hive:

  1. Proper Shelter: Bees prefer beehives positioned under cool and dry shade, avoiding direct exposure to the sun.
  2. Sufficient Space: Hives that offer ample room for the bees to store their honey are highly favored. It is important to avoid creating small hives that may hinder their honey production.
  3. Existing Wax Frames: Bees are naturally drawn to hives that already contain wax frames. This indicates to them that other bees have previously inhabited the hive, making it more attractive as a potential new home.
  4. Appropriate Hive Opening: Providing a small hive entrance grants the bees an advantage in defending their colony against potential attackers.
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Monitoring and Ensuring Successful Hive Attraction

Regularly checking your beehive is crucial to monitor the activities of the bee scouts as they conduct their research. These scouts will often arrive in small groups, meticulously inspecting the new home until they determine its suitability. Once they have assessed the hive positively, they return to their original hive and communicate to the other bees that it is time to relocate.

It is essential to refrain from disturbing the bees when you observe them moving into your new hive. Allowing them to settle comfortably without disruptions increases the likelihood of a successful transition.

Alternatively, there is another method that can potentially attract bees to your new beehive—using lemongrass extract. By placing a few drops of lemongrass extract around the hive opening, you may observe positive results within a few days.

Sharing Your Beekeeping Experiences and Insights

Are you an experienced beekeeper? We would love to hear from you! Please share your success stories and the solutions that have proven effective in attracting bees to your new beehive in the comments below. Your valuable insights can help aspiring beekeepers and foster a community of knowledge exchange.

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    Empowering Ambitions, Cultivating Success: Graduate Farmer is dedicated to inspiring and equipping young men and women with practical solutions to kickstart and thrive in profitable agribusiness ventures across Kenya.

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Graduate Farmer

Empowering Ambitions, Cultivating Success: Graduate Farmer is dedicated to inspiring and equipping young men and women with practical solutions to kickstart and thrive in profitable agribusiness ventures across Kenya.

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