How To Farm

Supplying Supermarkets in Kenya

Buying fresh vegetables and fruits in supermarkets is now the trend. Love them or hate them the supermarkets are taking over the fresh produce markets. The establishment of shopping malls across major cities is quickly transforming the fresh produce marketing. The distribution of these commodities seem to be moving towards fewer and large, centralized packaging and distribution centres. The development is causing anxiety among farmers because supermarkets are taking away their loyal customers owing to convenience. Seeing that this wave is here to stay, more farmers are realizing that, they have to change with the times. The farmers I have spoken to have shared with me that they are ready to change, but their problem is how can they ā€˜accessā€™ this new market?
ā€œThe supermarkets are stealing the demand for fresh produce from the farmersā€™ markets. I also want to go that way, but I do not know where to start,ā€ lamented Mama Njeri, a trader at an open air market in Nairobiā€™s Eastlands. Today I want to address all the facets of this trend and how farmers can tap into it? First, product quality is everything. The supermarket managers I spoke to shared that many farmers who approach them fail on one key front ā€” quality.
ā€œMost farmers bring for us vegetables that look stale and smell bad. For a supermarket to accept your fresh produce on their shelves, you must prove that you can supply fresh vegetables or fruits,ā€ a supermarket manager disclosed. Consistency in quality and actual supply is also fundamental.

ā€œWe not only expect high quality produce but reliable deliveries too,ā€ says another supermarket manager. Suppliers have to observe strict food safety and quality standards. The produce must be intact, sound (not rotten, severely bruised or damaged), free from pests, sufficiently developed. Above all the product must be clean. As a farmer you need to develop a relationship with the supermarket managers who are tasked with buying the fresh produce. To land the deal, you have to go out of your way and explain how the produce is grown. You can also offer to take the person in charge to your farm to see how things are run. Sellers who understand and appreciate where a food crop is coming from tend to be more likely to promote that crop to their consumers.

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The Extra Mile

Price, quality and service matter. But to win the supermarketā€™s loyalty, you need to go the extra mile. You do not make money from growing a crop, you make money from satisfied customers. In these competitive times, running a customer oriented business can make a difference between success and failure. Adhere to commonly accepted standards for produce. If as a farmer you are unsure of how to size, grade, and pack the produce, seek an expertā€™s services. Train you farm workers on proper picking, grading/sorting and packaging techniques.

via Smart Harvest

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  • silver patron

    Empowering Ambitions, Cultivating Success: Graduate Farmer is dedicated to inspiring and equipping young men and women with practical solutions to kickstart and thrive in profitable agribusiness ventures across Kenya.

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Graduate Farmer

Empowering Ambitions, Cultivating Success: Graduate Farmer is dedicated to inspiring and equipping young men and women with practical solutions to kickstart and thrive in profitable agribusiness ventures across Kenya.

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One Comment

  1. Hmm, interesting.I’d assume once you have a good supply-client relationship it’s all good. Supermarkets in my opinion are the way to go for graduate farmers hehe

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